Bluetooth vs Bluetooth Low Energy – Best Wireless IoT Protocol

Bluetooth Vs. Bluetooth Low Energy

Bluetooth  and Bluetooth Low Energy


For IoT Project Development, we need to decide sensor or actuators to use for edge device (Node), for Communication decisions should be made on wireless protocols (node to Gateway), Gateways hardware (Gateway connects your node to the internet) (Bluetooth vs BLE)

In Communication protocols, we will discuss popular wireless Protocols.

Wireless Protocols divides into five different parts.

In this article, We will be briefly discussing the first part from. Wireless protocols.

  • Bluetooth vs Bluetooth Low Energy & its difference, Examples, Pros & Cons, applications area, website link for further exploration are given

Bluetooth vs Bluetooth Low Energy Can Be Fun for Everyone.

What is Bluetooth?

  • Bluetooth is one of the wireless technology we are commonly using in our day to day life.
  • This technology saves much more time along with money, the chief reason why it’s more popular among the app developers.
  • Should you be purchasing any new technology, you won’t be surprised to discover that it’s already Bluetooth-enabled.
  • This technology requires little, with respect to battery power to be able to properly function. Bluetooth technology uses the notion of a master and a slave.
  • The Bluetooth technology is intended to function in an easy way and give secure data transfer with the normal frequency of 2.4GHz. It is simply an ideal design for finesse and elegance.

This technology mainly differentiate into two types

  • Classic Bluetooth (normally called Bluetooth)
  • Bluetooth Low Energy


Classic Bluetooth:classic-bluetooth

  • We used Earpiece to connect our cellphone wirelessly. Using Earpiece we can listen songs, receive calls without touching our cellphone, this is quite helpful when we are driving.
  • Main intention to develop Bluetooth to exchange data over a short-range without the need of wires.
  • That’s why Bluetooth is used for wireless file transfers, wireless headsets and hands-free calling through your car, wireless speakers, etc

Image credit:flag/pixabay

In technical speak,

  • Bluetooth is a wireless technology IEEE 802.15.1 standard-based protocol for data exchanging.
  • Bluetooth technology developed by Bluetooth Special Interest Group. The Bluetooth specification is managed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG).

Brief about Bluetooth (Classic Bluetooth)

  • Standard: IEEE 802.15.1
  • Frequency: 2.4 to 2.485 GHz belongs in personal area networks (PANs)
  • Range: up to 10 m typically
  • Data Rates: 723 Kbps

Pros of using Classic Bluetooth

  • Can handle a lot of data.
  • Establish Ad Hoc connection
  • 2.4 GHz frequency ensures worldwide operations


  • Low data rate
  • More power consumption
  • Short-range


Classic Bluetooth’s IoT Applications

        • Bluetooth was originally designed as a replacement for wire devices for short-range data applications. That means that you can exchange a lot of data at a close range typically up to 10 to 15m.
        • That’s why Bluetooth is such a good fit for consumer products.
        • Bluetooth speakers are among the most recent inventions today. Your very own compact Bluetooth speaker can offer you all the booming surround sound which you need
        • Earpiece for cell phone
        • Speakers-wireless
        • Wireless headsets
        • Bluetooth wireless mouse, keyboards and printers File transfers between phones and devices


Reference URL Bluetooth – Classic Bluetooth


What Is Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)?

Bluetooth low energy (Classic Bluetooth vs BLE)

  • Bluetooth low energy (BLE, and Bluetooth Smart)  be a wireless personal area network technology.
  • Bluetooth Smart was originally introduced underneath the name Wibree by Nokia in 2006. it had been integrated into the most Bluetooth standard in 2010 with the adoption of the Bluetooth Core Specification Version 4.0
  • BLE is meant to figure with low power consumption and is cheap. Like Bluetooth, BLE conjointly has specification managed by the Bluetooth SIG.BLE is intended by the Bluetooth SIG for low energy/power devices that use less data/information.

 In technical Speak,

  • Standard: Bluetooth SIG
  • Frequency: 2.4 GHz
  • Range: 200ft
  • Data Rates: 25 Mbps


BLE over Classic Bluetooth


  • Bluetooth smart is meant to produce significantly reduced power consumption and money value whereas maintaining an identical communication area/range.
  • BLE goes to sleep once not in use and wakes up once data/information transfer happens. This makes it ideal for IoT device, that runs on battery and consumes low power.
  • High Data rate
  • BLE devices can run on a small battery for four to five years.
  • Special purpose to develop BLE for application in the healthcare, security, fitness, home entertainment, and Beacons compare to Classic Bluetooth.



  • this isn’t suitable for talking on the phone, it is useful for applications that only need to exchange small amounts of data periodically.
  • Initial Setup time is more.


 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE’s) M2M/IoT Applications:

1.  Healthcare applications

  • Blood Pressure Profile — for blood pressure measurement.
  • Health Thermometer — for medical temperature measurement devices.
  • Glucose  — for blood glucose monitors.
  • Continuous Glucose Monitor

2. Sports and fitness

  • Body Composition measurement
  • Cycling Speed and Cadence— for sensors attached to a bicycle or exercise bike to measure cadence and wheel speed.
  • Cycling Power Measurement
  • Heart Rate Measurement device
  • Location and Navigation

3. Sensors

  • Environmental Sensing
  • Industrial Sensor applications

4. Proximity Marketing

And many more


 Summary – Difference between Bluetooth vs. Bluetooth Low Energy 

In summary,

The key difference in normal Bluetooth and BLE is power consumption.

BLE device was run up to 2 years with button cell battery and 4 to 5 years on a small battery.


Bluetooth (Classic):

  • It can handle lot of data but consumes more power
  • Low data transfer rate.
  • Short-range of operation
  • Classic Bluetooth once initiated, it always in the wake-up mode even not in use.


Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE or Smart Bluetooth):

  • Handle very less data
  • Low power consumption
  • High data transfer rate
  • Medium range of operation
  • BLE goes to sleep once not in use and wakes up once data/information transfer happens.

See also: WiFi- Wireless IoT Protocol 2nd most popular Wireless IoT Protocol 


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Reference URL Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE): BLE

Naval Allurwar
He is a learner and passionate about IoT ,and other new technologies. He has good industrial experience in IoT & Smart cities. He love to learn new things & make understandable to others at .