Narrow Band IoT – NB IoT and its Applications  

Narrow Band IoT Internet of Things

  What is Narrow Band Internet of Things ( NB IoT)

  • Narrow Band IoT is new standard connecting Internet of Things . NB IoT  is new of communication with things.
  • It is also known as LTE Cat NB1 is Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) technology that works virtually anywhere.
  • Narrow Band IoT module is a low Power Area Network (LPWAN ) radio technology standard developed to enable wide range of devices and services to be connected cellular telecommunication bands.
  • It is consider as narrrowband radio technology designed for the Internet of Things and it is also one of the range of mobile IoT (MIoT) technologies.
  • It focuses specially on indoor coverage as well as low cost , long battery life and enable  alarge number of connected devices.
  • NB IoT significantly improves the power consumption of user devices , system capabilities and spectrum efficiency. Battery life of more than 10 years can be supported for a wide range of use cases.


NB-IoT Provides

  • Very low power consumption
  • excellent extended range in building and underground
  • easy devlopment into existing cellular network architecture
  • network security & reliability
  • lower component cost


 Narrow Band Internet of Things IoT 

 Image credit : u-blox


NB-IoT  challenges

 There are many potential  ” connected things” are located in remote areas , at long distances from next  cellular base station.

NB-IoT will connect many  devices to the Internet of Things .It also make many new application . It is optimized for application that need to communicate  small amount of

data over long peroids  of time. Since it operate in licensed spectrum. It is secure and reliable providing  guaranted quality of service.

Using other cellular air interfaces for typical NB-IoT application would be too expensive  as NB Iot application don’t  need  all their capabilities . NB IoT application also  focus on low speed , robust data transfer and appropriate  level of reliability . A low device price also cuts the installation cost and reduces  the risk of theft.


Application of  NB IoT


Applications of NarrowBand IoT

Image credit : u-blox


Smart Metering

NB-IoT is well suited for monitoring gas and water  meters via  regular and small data transmission. Networks coverage is  a key issue in smart metering roll outs. Meters having  strong tendency to turn  up in difficult location. NarrowBand IoT has  excellent coverage and penetration to address this issue.

See also:   Smart Meters :New way of measuring the consumption


Smart Cities

NarrowBand IoT can help local government  control street  lighting determie when waste bins need emptying identify free  parking spaces  monitor environmental condition and survey the condition of roads.

See alsoWhat is Smart City ? || Introduction


Smart Buildings

NB-IoT  have connected sensor which  can  send alert  about  building  maintaining  issues  as well as it can  perform some automated  task such as light and heat control.

NB-IoT can also  act as the backup for the building broadband connection . Some security solution may even  use LPWA netwok to connect sensor directly to monitoring the system  as this configuration is more difficult  for snooper to disable as well as easier to install and maintain.

See alsoIoT enabled Smart Building Technology



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References :

Tanuja Magar
Tanuja is a Computer Engineer by Profession . She is passionate about her work and love to learn about Internet of Things and new technology . She like to write about technology .