Indian Rhinoceros with IoTwild life saving with IoT

The Greater One-Horned Rhinoceros or also known as Indian Rhinoceros , are listed as one of the most threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.   The animal can be found in North-East parts of India and ...

Raspberry Pi zero

RaspberryPi Zero and RaspberryPi Zero W   The Raspberry Pi Zero is the smallest minicomputer of size as half of your credit card. It is half in size compare to Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and latest Raspberry Pi 4 ...

NodeMcu ESP8266 for Arduino

NodeMCU ESP8266 NodeMCU is an open source IoT platform also very easy use. It includes Lua scripting language based firmware which runs on the ESP8266-12E Wi-Fi SoC from Espressif Systems. The term “NodeMCU” by default refers to the firmware rather than ...

Introduction to Java IoT We know about Java and Internet of things Individually. Here we will Java for IoT, through out this article  we called Java for IoT as Java IoT.     Brief about IoT IoT (Internet of Things) ...