3 Steps to build your IoT Project with Blynk IoT app [updated]

build your IoT Project with Blynk IoT app

Blynk IoT mobile app for Internet of things Project development:

Blynk IoT mobile app is a toolset for all who would love to use their smartphones to control electronics like Arduino, Raspberry Pi and similar ones by establishing an internet connection, building an app and writing hardware code in an easy way.

Blynk has an amazing interface from various widgets they provide, upload the example code to your hardware and enjoy seeing first results in under 5 minutes! It works perfectly for newbie makers and saves tons of time for evil geniuses.

Blynk will work with all popular boards and shields to give you full freedom when deciding how to plug Blynk into your existing or new project.



You will also enjoy the convenience of Blynk Cloud. Which is, by the way, is free and open-source.

Blynk IoT app connection with any Hardware


3 steps to getting started with Blynk:





You can download blynk library for Arduino from above. Download the zip file and unzip it to the library folder of Arduino IDE (C:\Program Files\Arduino\libraries) if you are unable to find this folder follow this guide.



  • Open Blynk IoT App on your smart phone and create new account and then new project after successfully login.

Register account - Blynk IoT app

Create project -Blynk IoT app


Give name to it


  • Choose the hardware and communication type you are going to use click here to check list of supported devices

Select your Hardware - Blynk IoT app


  • Obtain Auth Token:

For obtaining token follow following steps:

a) Select the device for communication:


Device selection for communication- Blynk IoT app


b)  Click on device


click on device - Blynk IoT app


c)See the Auth Token


Authotication token - Blynk IoT app


d) Press create button


Press create button - Blynk app


  •  Add the Button widget. Tap once to get to Widget Settings

add widget button - Blynk app


You can hold and drag it to reposition

button reposition- Blynk app


  • In Widget Settings set the PIN you want to control (e.g. if your LED is connected to pin 7 – choose pin D7): Each Widget has its own settings. Tap on the widget to get to them.

widget button setting - Blynk app


  • Run the project

run the project -what is Blynk app


Let us know what you think about the Blynk IoT app for your Internet of Things projects development.


See also: Arduino Traffic Light Controller || IoT Project


If you like this information subscribe to our YouTube Channel for IoT video Tutorials.

Image credit and Information reference : www.blynk.cc

Balasaheb Nawale
An Engineering Post Graduate (M TECH in ELECTRONIC DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY) with experience in IoT Product Development and technical writing . He is a technical writer professionally. EMAIL- nawalebalasaheb@yahoo.com