What is an embedded system ? Introduction to embedded system

What is Embedded system and its basics

Introduction to embedded system


We have always heard about how a huge range of small things come together to form a well-functioning system. This is the case spread across every arena. Be it be mechanics, electronics, IT, or social sciences. These smaller units, when put together, create a huge system that is used for various functions. All of the integrated parts of this system themselves even, have dedicated tasks.

For example, within a watch, different components work together to display time. Or how different smaller units work together in a car to allow you to drive it. Thus, it is not wrong to say, that it is because of these smaller units, that a huge system can function – or even exist. Right?

Within this article, we will discuss one such integral unit of every mechanical or electronic system, that is embedded systems and their functionality.



What is an Embedded System ?


block diagram embedded system basics

image credit: swatiprabhala


By the name of it, an embedded system is a microcontroller or microprocessor-based hardware system that has pre-installed software embedded in it. These embedded systems have a particular dedicated function and they can work as both, an independent system or a part of a huge system.

These embedded systems are found in every industry. From industrial to automobile to home appliances, embedded systems play an integral role in the functioning of devices. But first, before going into their industrial uses, let’s look at what these systems are made of and how they function.


Embedded Systems Basics

Let’s break down embedded systems into their basic composition:


Architecture diagram - what are embedded system introduction and basics


  1. Hardware: Embedded systems are composed of basic machinery and hardware. Within this machinery, the software is embedded which helps the system perform its tasks.
  1. Software: This is the part of the embedded system that handles the majority of the functions. It allows the embedded system to undergo the dedicated functions.
  2. Real-Time Operating System: RTOS supervises the software and defines how the system functions. It provides the mechanism to let the processor run a process. Small-scale embedded systems might not have an RTOS.
  3. Sensor: It measures and converts the physical quantity to an electrical signal and stores the measured quantity in the memory. The measured quantity can then be read by an embedded systems engineer or any electronic instrument
  4. A-D converter: The analog-to-digital converter converts the analog signal sent by the sensor into a digital signal.
  5. D-A converter: The digital-to-analog converter changes the digital data fed by the processor to analog data.
  6. ASICs: ASCIs assess the data in order to measure the output and store it in the memory.
  7. Actuator: It compares the output given by the D-A Converter to the actual output.


Now that we are aware of what an embedded system comprises, let’s look at some of its functions.


Functions of an Embedded system


You might not have noticed, but embedded systems are present everywhere in this technologically advanced world. Some of the most famous uses of Embedded systems nowadays are


1.     Automotive Vehicles: These contain plenty of computers and embedded systems that are connected and programmed to carry out various specific functions in a vehicle.

2.     Phones: Within a mobile phone, embedded systems are used to manage everything from the operating system, camera, and audio player, to the microphone.

3.     Medical Equipment: Highly complex embedded systems are often used in medical equipment as they are required to perform accurately repeated actions.

4.     Industrial Machines: Sensors and other monitoring equipment are controlled by embedded systems since automation is a big part of most industrial machinery


And much more!


Embedded systems have a huge role to play in the future. With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), machine learning along with IoT, the cognitive embedded system will be at the heart of every huge industry and technology.


See alsoWhat is OSI model? 7 end to end layers in OSI model


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References and Image credits:

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