Internet of Things with Artificial Intelligence ( IoT with AI ) : Artificial Intelligence (AI) : Artificial Intelligence is nothing but the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. computers with artificial intelligence are designed for speech ...
What is Narrow Band Internet of Things ( NB IoT) Narrow Band IoT is new standard connecting Internet of Things . NB IoT is new of communication with things. It is also known as LTE Cat NB1 is Low Power ...
Internet of Things in Retail Industry Smart Retail is a term which describes a set of smart technologies that are designed to give the consumer a greater, faster safer and smart experience when shopping, smart retail also known as IoT ...
5G technology 5G simply stands for the fifth generation of the mobile or wireless systems. 5G technology includes all types of features which will make it the most powerful technology. 5G-technology includes the camera, video recording, large phone memory, video ...
Understanding GSM and GPRS module: GSM: Image credit: wilkernet/Pixabay GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communication. GSM is nothing but the digital mobile telephony system which is widely used in all over the world. GSM digitizes and compresses ...
What is LTE Network (Long Term Evolution Technology) What is the Full form of LTE LTE stands for Long Term Evolution (Full form) LTE is a standard for high speed wireless communication for mobile device which are based on technologies ...