What is a Sensor and What are the different types of Sensors?

Different types of sensors

What is a Sensor?

The sensor is known as the device used for the detection of the electrical or physical measures as an answer to changing the volume. Typically, the sensor output comes in the form of the electrical or optical signal from the device. Different types of Sensors.

When we talk about the sensor. means to detect changes for the specific circumstances. During the implementation of the sensors in the electronic systems, it proves its significance and plays a vital role in understanding the real concept of the sensors drastically. With the help of sensors, you can measure the physical phenomenon such as temperature, pressure, humidity etc. After the detection of these quantities, changes into the electrical signal for real-time detection.

See alsoDHT11- The basic Temperature and Humidity Sensor

If you want to know about the best sensors, you should ensure whether these sensitive to the phenomenon. Moreover, it should be sensitive regarding the phenomenon that can be measured by the sensors for the detection of a great sensor.  During the measurement process, the modification of the measured phenomenon should also be modified.

With the help of some sensors, you can detect the range and sensitivity can also be detected from another type of sensors with the minimum and maximum values. The m minimum alteration of the measured parameter will also be detected that may cause to change in output signal drastically. Besides, sensors can also measure the minimum change in the phenomenon for the resolution and thus they can detect it efficiently provide the precise results.

The internet of things has become one of the most common buzzwords in the market and due to its significance, it’s deemed as one of the most promising technologies in some segments. There are some market researchers that estimate more than 20 billion connected devices by the year 2021. With the sufficient availability of smartphones, & wearable devices, we can assume the number will be flooding without any surprise and thus with the help of the connected devices through the internet, the number of sensors will also be increased with the great implementation in the future.

See alsoFuture of IoT – Internet of Things controls everything

As sensors have already proved its significance for the internet of things so we can expect this duo, a great blend of efficiency and effectiveness. With the connected devices, sensors will be providing vital information to the organizations and thus it will be useful dramatically to monitor various aspects including the production methods for the companies with the industrial internet of things.

There is a wide range of sensors available for the sake of convenience to measure various quantities available in an environment where it’s natural or artificial. It’s a great attribute of sensors that the sensors can carry all the norms of measuring the quantities with the precise results. A few common sensors which are used in our daily life are; light sensors, pressure sensors, thermo sensors (thermometers), motion sensors, gas sensors, accelerometers, etc.

Different types of Sensors:

Here, we’re going to provide the best list of sensors used for the measurement of various purposes:

  1. Proximity sensors:

These sensors are implemented for the detection of the presence or absence of an object located near. After detecting the properties of that object, it sends a signal to the user or an instrument which can perfectly detect them. The proximity sensors are greatly utilized in the retail industry while after detecting the motion and establishing a correlation with the customers and products, they help the companies. Hence, the user can detect the discount and offers for the specific products.

Another great implementation of the proximity sensors in the vehicles to detect the nearby object during the reverse parking. Hence, these sensors are also used in airports for the detection of the vehicle parking space in a specific location.

Here the proximity sensors can also be sub-categorized:

  • Capacitive Sensors: With the help of capacitive sensors, you can detect metallic and non-metallic objects and thus you can detect the object which dielectric separate from the air. You can also use these sensors for the tiny objects’ detection. So these can also be used for complicated applications.
  • Inductive Sensors: Inductive sensors are the types of proximity which are implemented for the detection of the nearby metallic objects through the electromagnetic field or beam obtained through the electromagnetic radiation. You can also use such sensors at great speeds than mechanical switches and thus it seems more reliable due to sturdy nature.
  • Photoelectric Sensors: These sensors are built by light-sensitive elements and with the usage of light, you can find out the object presence efficiently. You can also use photoelectric sensors in place of inductive sensors. Photoelectric sensors are used for the long-distance sensing and it can also be implemented for the detection of the non-metal object.
  • Speed Sensors: These are used to know the speed of an object or vehicle. Speed sensors are of great usefulness for the government by which they check the speed of the vehicle. In the speed sensors, there are various categories like LIDAR, speedometers, doppler radar, ground speed radar, airspeed detectors, etc.
  • Ultrasonic Sensors: WIth the help of ultrasonic sensors, you can understand the distance of the object that gives similar results like radar or sonar. However, ultrasonic sensors are deemed ideal in the harsh conditions so these are drastically demanded by the users these days.
  1. Temperature Sensor:

Temperature sensors are implemented for the detection of the temperature through electrical signals. These electrical signals will be in the form of electrical voltage which is directly proportional to the temperature recorded.

There are various sensors available for the measurement of the temperature.

Contact type temperature and non-contact type temperature are the types of temperature sensors while these are further subdivided into categories: mechanical temperature sensors and electrical temperature sensors.

A thermometer is a kind of mechanical temperature sensors and resistor thermometer, thermistors, silicon bandgap temperature sensors, and thermocouple are various types of electrical temperature sensors.

With the help of electric sensors, you can measure the infrared light radiation emitted from specific targets in the particular field of view is called a PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) or Pyroelectric sensor.

An object which has a temperature above absolute zero becomes able to transmit the heat energy in the form of radiation that comes at infrared wavelengths that can’t be seen from human eyes. Hence such circumstances can easily be monitored by the PIR motion detectors.

Temperature sensors can be deployed for a long time in various devices. After coming into existence of the IoT, the possibility of employment of temperature sensors increases greatly. Before the inc invention of the internet of things, the implementation of the temperature sensors was only confined to the refrigerator and ACs.  Basically, these sensors are used for environmental control conditions.

There are various categories of Temperature sensors:

  • Thermocouples: These are known as the voltage devices that symbolize temperature mapping with alteration in voltage. With the temperature rising, the output voltage of the thermocouples also goes high.
  • Thermistors: These are the temperature-sensitive resistor by which physical resistance can be changed through the change in temperature.
  • Resistor temperature detectors (RTD): In such temperature sensors, the resistance of the device is directly proportional to the temperature that rises with the rising of the resistances and thus it goes to the positive direction.
  • Infrared sensors: Through the infrared sensors, the temperature can be detected through the prevention of transmitted infrared energy of the particular object. And thus it becomes capable of sensing its intensity and can be utilized for the measurement of the temperature of solid as well as liquids. However, you can’t implement the infrared sensors on gasses due to the transparent nature.
  • IC (Semiconductors): These are also known as the liner devices by which conductivity of the semiconductor rises continuously and thus it gets the advantage of the variable resistance of elements of semiconductors. These capable to give the reading in the digital reading of the temperature and also known efficient at low temperatures.

See alsoTemperature Sensors- For an Industrial IoT (IIoT) applications

  1. PIR Sensors:

Passive Infrared Sensors (PIR) can be divided into two parts and these are super sensitive to the infrared. During the arrival of the object in the particular field of view of the sensors, a positive change occurs between these two parts with the great interference of the first one of the PIR sensors type and after leaving the object from the field of view, then negative differential will be occurring.

Due to emitting nature of the passive infrared sensors, it doesn’t become able to transmit the energy or radiation for the detection of the radiation at all.

  1. Chemical Sensors:

Chemical sensors have great application for the industries across the world. These sensors are implemented to get know the changes in the liquid and can also detect the variations in the air chemical. Hence, the chemical sensors play a vital role in the major cities where the chemical changes can be curbed to safeguard the population.

One of the best applications of the chemical sensors is for accomplishing the industrial motives of various companies, where they monitor and process control efficiently and effectively. Chemical sensors have proved its significance during the release of deadly chemical exposures as well as radioactive detection. Moreover, these are also used in the process of recycling on the space stations along with the laboratories and pharma sites.

Chemical sensors can also be subcategorized such as; electrochemical chloride sensors, chemical field-effect transistors, pH glass electrode, chemical field-effect transistor, fluorescent chloride sensors, hydrogen sulfide sensors, etc.

  1. Pressure sensors:

With the help of the pressure sensors, you detect the pressure that can also be converted into an electric signal and thus the amount solely depends upon the pressure applied. Due to the availability of the multiple devices which are reliable on the liquids and other forms of the pressure as well, pressure sensors become capable of creating the internet of things systems vehicle is capable to monitor systems. If there is any deviation occurs from the standard pressure range, such devices will instantly notify the system manager regarding the occurrences which are strictly needed to be fixed.

However, pressure sensors are drastically useful fro the manufacturing but the maintenance of the water system can also be managed through the pressure sensors drastically.

  1. Water Quality Sensors:

With the help of the water quality sensors, we can detect the property of the water. Besides, ion monitoring can also be made possible through water quality sensors. Water quality sensors help us in the industries.

Here, we’re providing the list of types of water sensors:

  • Turbidity Sensors: These sensors can measure the solid dissolved in the water and these are typically used in the river as well as for wastewater management.
  • Chlorine Residual Sensors: Chlorine Residual Sensors helps us in measuring the chlorine residual such as total chlorine in the water.
  • Total organic carbon Sensors: Such sensors are mostly known with the name called; TOC and is used for the measurement of the organic elements present in the water.
  • Conductivity Sensors: Conductivity sensors are drastically implemented in the industries performing the various industrial processes for obtaining the information on complete ionic concentration such as evaporated mixtures.
  • pH Sensors: pH sensors are used for the measurement of the pH level available in the water that gives a clear picture of the acid or alkaline there.
  • Oxygen-Reduction Potential Sensors: ORP sensors are made for the measurement of providing insights into the level of oxidation/reduction reactions happen during the solution process.
  1. Gyroscope Sensors:

Gyroscope sensors are imp[lmented for the measurement of the angular rate or angular velocity which is determined as the speed of the rotation about an axis. With the assistance of this device, you can detect the navigation and measurements of angular and rotational velocity in the 3-axis form. You can easily detect the orientation of the object through Gyroscope sensors.

Gyroscope sensors have also many subcategories that come according to their working process, sensing range, output types, power and feasibility for the environment. Optical Gyroscopes, Vibrating Structure Gyroscope, micro-electro-mechanical systems Gyroscopes, Rotary gyroscopes, etc, are the types of gyroscope sensors.

The most important fact about the gyroscope sensors is the combination of accelerometers. With the help of the gyroscope sensors, athletes can also improve the efficiency of their movements that monitor closely about the movement during sports exercises.

  1. Optical Sensors:

These sensors are for the measurement of the physical quantity of light rays. Optical sensors turn the light rays into an electrical signal that can be read by the users easily. Such sensors play an important role during the implementation in the internet of things devices as they are capable of measuring the various things at a time. With the help of these sensors., you can detect the electromagnetic energy that also incorporates electromagnetic energy, light as well as electricity.

Optical sensors have been found of great usefulness for the healthcare industry and for the environmental monitoring including the aerospace and energy sector. However, many other industries like pharmaceutical and mining companies are also incorporating optical sensors that make it reliable than others.

The basic use of the optical sensors is found for the ambient light, optical fibers, digital optical switches etc. These scenarios have the great capability for electrical isolation and thus it is best suited for oil & gas purposes, transportation, elevator door control, high-speed network systems as well as civil usage.

Here we’re mentioning the subcategories of optical sensors:

  • Fiber Optics: Here the flow of the current is zero so it safe to electrical & electromagnetic intervention and during the damaged circumstance, it doesn’t give any sparking like results to users and thus any chance of the hazardous situation also eliminates.
  • Photodetector: Photodetector is implemented with the light-sensitive semiconductor materials such as photodiodes and photocells.
  • Pyrometer: With the help of pyrometer, you can estimate the temperature of an object through sensing the color of the light and objects emit light according to the temperature of the particular article.
  • Proximity & Infrared: Such sensors use infrared during the inconvenience of the visible light and hence the proximity sensors use the light for sensing the object nearby.


Conclusion: Different types of Sensors

With the increasing population of the world, managing things by human efforts have not been so easy. So there are a lot of tools have been implemented for the great control of the system, where sensors are also playing a vital role as the great administrators. After the coupling of the sensors with the internet of things devices, it can send the data of the particular object within seconds.

There are various sensors available in the market and every sensor has a different motive or work and you can check our detailed list of sensors given above. These sensors greatly help the administration, government, authorities, scientists, companies, and industries in managing various things.

Thus these sensors are working as assisting tool for various organizations to make the system better and more efficient.

See alsoWireless Sensors Technology Augmenting Healthcare Delivery

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