Bolt IoT Cloud Platform -Bolt 2:
Inventrom Pvt. Ltd. launched the 2nd Version of the Bolt IoT Platform on 18th February 2017 at Thought Factory, Bangalore.
Bolt is an IoT platform that helps enterprise and makers to connect their devices to the internet. Bolt comes with a WiFi/GSM Chip to connect your sensors to the Internet.
You can configure this system over the Bolt cloud to receive, store and visualize the data.
You can also connect actuators and control them via Bolt Cloud. The platform reduces your effort to build IoT products as well as the time to market in a huge way.
With Bolt, you can build scalable IoT products and services in just a few day’s time.

Since the launch of Bolt version 1, last year, more than 1000 developers are using Bolt. Some of the enterprise clients who use the Bolt IoT platform include ITC and Marico.

Participant amazed by the power & features of Bolt 2 Workshop participants pic
Talking about Bolt 2, Mr.Pranav Pai Vernekar, CEO of Inventrom Pvt. Ltd., stated “As part of the Bolt 2 design, we worked on the philosophy of ‘building it for the developer and user happiness’. We want to offer a complete development experience from interfacing of sensors to data analytics“.
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Mr.Dattaprasad Naik, Electronics Engineer at Inventrom informed “The new Bolt 2 WiFi module is 40% smaller and 3 times faster than its earlier version. We are now in process of launching the GSM variant of Bolt hardware module”.
Bolt IoT worked with Goa-based Genora Infotech to built a new Bolt app for Android and one of iOS is in pipeline. The Bolt app lets you setup Bolt 2 in just a few seconds and you can now control and view the data from your smart devices via the UI built by you on Bolt Cloud”.
However, the most important feature of Bolt 2 is the Bolt Cloud. Mr. Sourabh Tiwari, Software Developer at Bolt IoT said, “The Bolt Cloud can now store the data, but what makes it amazing is that deploying the storage configuration is so easy that even a 10-year-old kid will be able to do it. This is made possible due to the ease of configuration of hardware on the bolt cloud.
The stored data can be downloaded in an excel sheet or be fed to the Data Visualisation System or the Machine Learning System offered on Bolt 2 cloud. The data visualization is now so easy that the code which took 200 lines earlier, can now be done in just 2 lines with the same effectiveness”.
Ravi Gupta, Business Analyst at Bolt IoT said, “Bolt 1 used to offer only Line Graphs as a data visualization tool but Bolt 2 has 6 to 7 different graphs up its toolbox.
Developers now can play around with data in an unimaginable way. From line to bar to scatter to the area to gauge etc, there are now a number of ways to analyze the data trends and come up with conclusions.
We have received a huge response from enterprises who want to build customized IoT products for themselves”.
One of the users of Bolt IoT Platform Himanshu Maghnani remarked after the launch, “Bolt2 has moved way ahead of its predecessor, in terms of speed, ease & user experience”
Dheeraj Gadkar, the Business Analyst at Bolt IoT, said, “We have received huge pre-orders for the new version, and with another variant for Bolt coming up with GSM chip.
We are already receiving huge orders for the new variant, especially from the enterprise’s domain. The developer community is also growing at a pace faster than ever. If all works out fine, we are looking to become the top IoT services offering company in India.”
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Let us know what you think about the Bolt cloud IoT Platform, is it the same as other IoT platforms or different? mention in the comment section below.
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