Smart Temperature and Mask Scanner at Entry for Covid 19 Prevention

IoT based Smart Temperature and Mask Scanner at Entry for Covid

IoT based Smart Temperature and Mask Scanner


Temperature scanner is the most used test for infectious diseases, such as Covid 19. Due to the rapidly increasing cases of Covid-19 and reopening of schools, offices, malls, markets, etc. , scanning for temperature and masks has become essential and necessary.

People with high temperature are not allowed to enter any public place as they have higher probability of being infected by the virus. The most powerful tool to prevent the spread of covid 19 virus is wearing a proper mask. Monitoring individuals for wearing a proper mask is also necessary to reduce the spread of covid 19.

Presently organizations use manual ways to do the temperature and mask monitoring, such as using infrared thermometers and employing humans to monitor people for wearing masks.

With India being the second most populated country in the world, this method of monitoring people might be impotent and can have a lot of drawbacks like:

  • The examining officer might allow the entry of people without masks or with high temperature.
  • The temperature reading devices can be erroneous at times.
  • This method can be time consuming and incompatible for large crowds.
  • People have to be trained separately for this monitoring system.
  • This method cannot always be contactless.
  • The examining officers might sometimes be careless and skip their work.
  • There can be mistakes at the end of the inspectors while reading values.
  • Some people don’t take the examining officers seriously.

To solve the above-mentioned issues, here, we present a fully automatic temperature and mask scanner and entry provider system.



Components used

  • Raspberry Pi
  • DC Motor
  • Flap
  • Gearing Arrangement
  • Temperature Sensor like DS18B20
  • Camera module
  • Barrier Outer Frame
  • ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module
  • Wires and Connectors
  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • Transistors
  • Red & Green Indicators
  • Buzzer Siren
  • Nuts and bolts
  • Sensor Mounting Shaft & Panel
  • Supporting Frame
  • Mounts and Joints
  • Base Frame


smart covid patient scanner



Architecture Diagram – temperature scanner


architecture for smart temperature scanner for covid patients



This is a completely contactless system which scans the temperature using temperature sensors, like DS18B20, and then checks for mask using mask detection technique and only if both these conditions are satisfied, entry is permitted.

The scanner system is connected to a gate or barrier which allows or prevents entry into the place where it is installed.

This entire system uses IoT based techniques to make the work possible and running.

To observe and control the entire process, the sensors and camera module is connected to a Raspberry Pi system.

The camera captures images and scans for a mask and the temperature sensor checks the forehead temperature.

This data is processed by the connected Raspberry Pi and then it is decided whether the person will be allowed inside or not.

If an individual is found with high temperature or without a mask, the red light and buzzer siren signals and prevents the entry of that individual.

Also, the images of that person are transferred over IoT to the respective authorities, who will take the further necessary steps.

Hence, this proposed system can make temperature and mask scanning easy and automatic with the help of IoT and help reduce the spread of covid-19 virus.


Design Images of Temperature scanner


smart temperature scanning at entry


automatic temperature and mask scanner at entry



  • Completely Contactless System.
  • Fully automatic system, hence no separate examining officers are required at the entry of various public places.



  • Initial Installation cost might be high.



  • Schools
  • Offices
  • Shopping malls
  • Markets
  • Factories
  • Theatres
  • Parks
  • Universities


Let us know what you think about automatic smart temperature scanner for scanning in the comment section below.


See alsoAutomatic WEATHER STATION using NodeMCU and DHT 11


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