what are Intelligent Transport Systems? IoT in Transportation

what are intelligent transport systems and examples

What are intelligent transport systems?


An intelligent transport system or systems (ITS) known by all is an application of technologies such as advanced sensors, protocols, software, the hardware involved with the electronics and communications, the management strategies, and the whole performance to be brought in an integrated manner ensuring the safety and efficiency of the transportation system.



Intelligent Transport System and how it works?


The Intelligent Transport Systems as named with its incorporated intelligence provides various innovative services which comprehends to different modes of transport and traffic management thus enabling the users to be better informed and make a more safer and coordinated surrounding across in short we can say “ smarter” use of the transportation system networks.

Manoeuvring a Smart City requires a combination of both the IoT (Internet of Things) as well as the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) when in sync will function like a proper instantaneous message system which will collect the required information and distribute them.

Apart from IoT there are several other system too which will allow us to know the details about the overall transportation and its conditions, but they fail due more requirement of memory as well as phone hardware resources.

Thereupon bringing the IoT along with the ITS to improve the Overall Transport System functioning like an instant message application, for which we use Cloud Computing explained in earlier article will be used for overall creating an ITS application which will provide us with the information’s such as vehicle, traffic, highway, other path details of support to overall safety as well as emergency service, transport management, zoom on smart parking will later be explained in brief.


See also: Internet of Things for Cold Chain Monitoring and Tracking


So how exactly the proposed system will work?


The data is captured with the intelligent system with which the resources are shared via Internet to the computer workstations.

Subsequently the shared resources are all stored in the central data center which will far away from the location of the workstations, thus setting up a cloud.

In this system the main functioning of the cloud is to provide services so as to meet computing needs of all the client workstations.

But the limited communication and computing resources of smart objects do not permit direct connection to Cloud Server.

This can be overcome by introducing small servers as client of main cloud server and locate these very near to the smart objects forming Internet of Things. Also the latency in response from cloud server may not be adequate for real time analysis and control applications in Internet of things.

In today’s scope, IoT brings in to ITS a composite interconnected system that allows gathering and deploying information like an instant message system for the pedestrians, travellers and drivers.

Also a connected vehicle is capable of sharing its information using wireless links with other vehicles on road. Also it can communicate with infrastructures like signal, road sign, bus stop, etc.


See alsoSmart Logistics – How IoT is improving Logistics and transportation?



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Featured Image credit:  TeroVesalainen

Jinu S John
An Engineering Graduate from VIT with experience in technical writing and content development. Jinu is a technical writer and Research Analyst professionally.