An Easier Approach towards your life with Amazon dash button With the IoT technology engrossing itself into people’s life more and more gadgets are coming up. One of them which I came across while surfing was the Amazon dash ...
Bearbot : A lively universal remote control In today’s trend remote has become a common access to all the devices be it from the different light controllers ,air conditioner, music system or the kitchen appliances. So be in precise we ...
The question rises as How cloud computing is involved with Internet of technology? Internet of Things Cloud is the emerging technology along with the Internet of Things is the Cloud Computing, wherein we can differ both saying that the Internet ...
What are intelligent transport systems? An intelligent transport system or systems (ITS) known by all is an application of technologies such as advanced sensors, protocols, software, the hardware involved with the electronics and communications, the management strategies, and the ...
Trending things in IoT market: Internet of Things (IoT) is an additional development to the already existing models as in the previous article we read about the Smart Watches. Watches already existed but the smart watches proved the additional communication ...
IoT Bringing physical digital together : Contact, connection, association and communication is what sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. The ability to gather complex information, to process it thoroughly and to communicate it effectively has enabled ...
IoT Devices are Smart Devices- How? The Internet of Things in short we can term “IoT” . We say IoT devices are smart but in mind we have doubt “how exactly are IoT devices smart? ” We say it to ...