What are the Major Cyber attacks in India?

cyber attacks in India

Cyber attacks:

Cyber attacks is an intrusion on the computer network or system for the extraction of the various malicious intentions and thus they obtain the most important and secret information of the companies in a gullible way. Such types of intrusion on the personal matters of the organizations or government or institutions affect a lot.

Cyber attacks are liable to change the computer code, logic or data through spiteful code that gives the harmful result to the related companies.

Cyber criminals insist system organizers give the data or information to them for their personal benefits but most of the times, they don’t force directly to give the information to them but they gull to hack their systems.

India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and there are many companies are being established in the country and many also proposed.

The flood in the IT companies has also grabbed the attention of the world’s community. And there are many companies thinking about investing in India for establishing the firm so they are also thinking about the increasing threat regarding cyber crimes in India.

The increasing number of cyber attacks is the matter of concerns for the companies or organizations or government so they have also started taking the necessary measures against these malicious intentions.

But we still have to take more steps to counter these cyber attacks usually from enemy countries for the better prevention of the system hence human beings as well.

The cyber attacks made up of attacks such as Credit Card Fraud, DOS, hacking, cyber stalking etc. However, India is not along with country affected from the cyber attacks but it comes in the 4th rank from the most affected countries from cyber attacks. Cyber attacks and cyber criminals both are illegal in India.

With the increasing number of internet users, the safety of the users is also a vital component. There are a lot of countries face the cyber attack like problems but India has a great number of internet users so the threat of cyber attack is more than any country.

According to a recent study, about 70% of Indian companies and 63% of Australian companies have the most risk of cyber attacks in the world.

About 35% of the organizations in the region are also suffering from the minimum one cyber security happening in one year.

After making the study by another organization says, about 85% of the organization in the Asia Pacific region don’t have any solid plan during the initiation of any digital transformation project.

However, an organization about 72% also conduct the assessment for the regular infringement as well that helps them in protecting from cyber-attacks.

Besides, with more than 95% of starts up are being started with the adoption of the latest technologies like cloud computing, the internet of things, mobility, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

The huge number figure of such companies from all over the world shows the concern of these companies regarding the security and safety of the customers. Furthermore, some of the business leaders are designing the less mature path for the designation of the digital transformation projects and the cyber security comes first in this list.


There can some safety measures be taken for the cyber security of the companies’ account or personal information and individual as well:

You don’t have to share the information through unknown applications & domains and it can minimize the risk of sharing personal information with others whose intentions are malicious.

Besides, you also don’t have to pay attention and open unknown emails received in your system.

As most of the fraudsters practice the information of the victim for the scam purpose for performing various frauds. Hence you should enter the banking detail that could be verified by the banks through OTPs and it should be all done with the official website of the bank.

Scammers intentionally make the fraudulent website that looks similar to the original website drastically and thus it can affect you a lot after gaining the personal information or data by the hackers.

The process of authentication by the companies or organizations or government should make harden and thus it will limit the functioning of the visiting the products and services of the companies and accessing the website by an unauthorized person will be toughest. Hence, if any unauthorized person will try to intrude in your account, the alarm will block the access through the bank network and two-factor authentication will help them a lot.

Enhancement of the security system for the ATMs of the various bank and organization should be increased that prevent the misuse of the data. Transferring the money from the public platform should make safe by the companies that will also prevent deceitful actions. Moreover, encrypted code can help them in transferring the money safely and it’s deemed as the safe method of transferring the money than any other.

See alsoHow Artificial Intelligence (AI) is improving Cyber Security?

Conclusion: Cyber attacks in India

Personal information of any individual matters a lot maliciously for the hackers and we can’t let them allow to tape such data to hackers.

However, monitoring and adding a proper system like firewall and secure network can help in diminishing the risk of hacking the accounts of the users drastically. We have suggested many measures for the users to save them from leaking the data and reach it to hackers.

With the increasing number of internet users, safety has become one of the most concerns for the users. Making the cyber security robust is the way by which you can make yourself safer.

Every day, hackers are finding new ways to hack the account and steal the personal information or data of the companies or individual. We should also take the countermeasures for the safety of the accounts and protection of personal data.


See alsoWhat is Cyberbullying? are your loved ones being cyber-bullied?


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