What are intelligent transport systems?   An intelligent transport system or systems (ITS) known by all is an application of technologies such as advanced sensors, protocols, software, the hardware involved with the electronics and communications, the management strategies, and the ...

M2M communication

M2M – Machine to Machine Communication: To understand M2M communication, check below example If your vehicle could talk. Like I’m on time for delivery. I’m driving too fast. My engine needs a tune-up! etc What would you say? This is ...

IoMT – Internet of Medical Things   Better patient care and healthcare service made easier for the healthcare professionals, with IoMT or Internet of Medical Things, the healthcare sector is stepping into an new era. Smart devices have already entered ...

LM35 temperature sensor arduino

LM35 Temperature Sensor for Arduino and IoT Lm35 temperature sensor Application:   Measure the surrounding temperature Used in Power Supplies Battery Management HVAC Appliances Output type:                                    Analog output & Output calibrated in ° Celsius Measurement (operation) Range:        ...

Smart Home Automation The smart home is one of the most popular and high demanding IoT applications in the world, let’s understand the Smart home automation technology with an example. Imagine walking into your home and being greeted at the ...

IoT Bringing physical digital together : Contact, connection, association and communication is what sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. The ability to gather complex information, to process it thoroughly and to communicate it effectively has enabled ...

What is Smart Healthcare  ‘Healthcare’ is a self-explanatory word and it describes the health ecosystem that we experience in today’s life. Smart healthcare is nothing but making existing healthcare ecosystem Smart and intelligent using today’s technology that can benefit patients, ...

IoT Devices are Smart Devices- How? The Internet of Things in short we can term “IoT” . We say IoT devices are smart but in mind we have doubt “how exactly are IoT devices smart? ” We say it to ...

Future of IoT (Internet of Things): Everyone wants things to be done very fast and automatic. Now a day’s each one thinks about controlling things remotely with the internet i.e. Internet of things (IoT). IoT sector will have exponential growth ...