How Internet of Things Benefits the Hospitality Industry?

IoT benefits in hospitality industry

Internet of Things in the Hospitality Industry


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects that contain electronics, software, and sensors enabling these objects to collect and exchange data. Think about your car, for example—the tires have sensors that track how much air they have left in them.

If a tire gets too low on air pressure, it will send a signal to your car’s computer system telling it there’s something wrong with one of your tires. This same concept applies to many other everyday objects such as clothing and appliances; even hotel rooms can be equipped with sensors that monitor the room temperature or occupancy rates!



What is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things is a network that links physical devices together, allowing them to communicate with software and one another.

IoT is based on the concept of uniquely identifiable objects connected to the Internet that are able to interact with other devices via embedded technology.

In simple words,

It refers to internet-connected devices with sensors like smart thermostats that can be controlled remotely by our phones or laptops through an app on our smartphones.

Benefits of the Internet of Things in The Hospitality Industry


1. Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is a major benefit of IoT in the hospitality industry. It’s estimated that 90% of hotel energy use goes towards heating and cooling, lighting, and hot water. The IoT can be used to monitor energy usage so that guests can have comfortable stays while reducing costs for you as well.

For example, if one room is using too much air conditioning or heating, you can remotely adjust settings from your office or even your phone so that it’s not wasted on an empty room. This type of technology helps reduce the carbon footprint of hotels and also allows them to save money by reducing unnecessary usage.

2. Personalization

The hospitality industry is one of the most data-driven industries in the world. The Hospitality Marketing & Technology Association (HMTA) reports that 68% of hospitality businesses use customer data to personalize marketing campaigns and communications, while another 58% use it to personalize their guests’ experiences.

While these two uses for data are valuable, there are many more possible applications for you as a marketing professional to leverage your customer data when it comes to improving your business. Let’s take a look at three ways you can use this information.

  • Personalization
  • Customer service improvements
  • Customer loyalty improvements

3. Quality of Service

Quality of Service (QoS) is a system that monitors the services provided by your hotel or business. QoS refers to both qualities of service and quality assurance. The term “service” can be used in lieu of “quality” when referring to performance, reliability, or predictability in a particular industry. QoS has many benefits for hotels and other businesses:

  • Customer satisfaction: knowing what your customers want allows you to deliver better customer service and increase customer retention rates.
  • Customer experience: monitoring the user experience will help you improve it over time, which ultimately leads to greater satisfaction with their stay at your venue; this also strengthens relationships between guests and brands through loyalty programs that reward repeat visitors for engaging with them online​.

4. Customer Care

Using the Internet of Things in the hospitality industry can help your call center agents provide better customer care. For example, if a customer calls up and says he’s having trouble with his TV, an IoT-enabled system could automatically display a troubleshooting guide onscreen explaining how to fix it. The system would also be able to notify you that there is a technical issue with this particular TV and send you over to the room so that you can check it out for yourself.

Or take another example: let’s say a guest comes into your business with some kind of problem and needs help from one of your employees immediately. With IoT, you could let all of those employees know about this issue and instantly give them information about what needs fixing so everyone is working together efficiently toward the same goal.

What if instead of just using technology for their own benefit (or even worse their employer’s benefit), customers started using it for each other? Imagine if every time someone had an issue at one of these hotels or restaurants they could share it through social media—it would make finding answers easy!

How does the Internet of Things work?

  • Edge-to-cloud: This is the most common way for IoT devices to connect with each other and the cloud. An edge device connects directly to a database, and any data it collects can be easily accessed in real time.
  • Cloud-to-cloud: If you have more than one cloud service involved in your IoT solution, then this may be your best option for connectivity. It allows multiple devices that belong to different services to communicate with each other without requiring an update to any of them.
  • Cloud-to-device: This type of connection happens when a device uses an API provided by a third-party service provider (i.e. Google or Facebook). This will allow developers on those platforms access so they can build applications based on all kinds of data coming from these devices out there!

The IoT is opening up new opportunities for hotels and resorts to offer enhanced guest experiences.

You may have heard of the Internet of Things (IoT), but did you know that it’s going to change your life? In short, IoT is a network of connected devices that exchange data. It allows devices to communicate with each other and collect information about the surrounding environment.

The idea behind IoT is that it allows machines (like refrigerators) to “talk” to each other and share information in order to make your life easier.

For example, if you buy groceries from Amazon Fresh using Alexa on your phone, the fridge can automatically order more milk when it senses that you’re getting low because of your last delivery or notify you when it gets too cold inside so you can adjust its temperature settings accordingly.


Closing thoughts

The Internet of Things is an exciting new technology that has the potential to revolutionize the hospitality industry. It can help hotels and resorts offer more personalized experiences for their guests and reduce costs at the same time. It’s an emerging trend that we will see continue growing in popularity as more people become aware of its benefits.


See alsoIoT in Hospitality Industry for best Customer experience


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