Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico   Getting started with your Raspberry Pi Pico might seem like a difficult task. The programming, various projects to begin with, and thousands of confusing websites exposing you to hundreds of paths that you ...

Arduino Nano board – An Atmega328 based microcontroller   A small, efficient, complete, and breadboard-friendly, based on the ATmega328P, Arduino Nano is just the board you need to create tons of interesting and impressive products.  Released in the year 2008, ...

Understanding Arduino Leonardo board   Released all the way back in the year 2012 on July 23, the Arduino Leonardo board is an ATmega32U4 microcontroller board. A unique product that differs from all the preceding ones, it comes with a ...

The Best Uses of Your Raspberry Pi   You have prepared your mind. You’re ready to hop onto an amazing project. You have already bought the best Raspberry Pi that suits your needs and check out the list of specifications ...

Tech stack for Chatbot development in 2022   Let’s say your day starts with one or two conversations with your clients. But during the day, there are more and more of them. You can be frustrated that even though you ...

OS for Raspberry Pi – Best Operating system If you thought that the Raspberry Pi foundation limits itself to the wide market of microcontrollers and small single-board computers, then you might want to rethink! The company has not only created ...

RP2040 Microcontroller The heart of the first microcontroller by RaspberryPi ie Pico is the newest and first of its kind company’s Arm chip, RP2040. With its high performance, low cost, ease of use, large on-chip memory and symmetric dual-core processor ...

Raspberry Pi Pico (microcontroller)   With the release of its latest product, the Raspberry Pi Pico, the Pi family has yet again not disappointed its customers and provided them with the newest tool that makes physical computing relatively easier. Not ...

top 5 trends in IoT for 2022 latest

ToP 5 IoT Trends (Internet of Things Trends) The Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer a new technology, but it continues to be a dynamic one. IoT trends to drive innovations for business by Making New applications for the ...

Why you need Network Monitoring system?   Once you get the answers to these questions, you should start finding out the benefits of network monitoring systems tool and how such systems can help you enhance the visibility of your network. ...

Ins And Outs of Monitoring Network Performance Over the last few years due to Covid 19, there has been a sudden change in the way businesses operate and safeguard their network services. Companies nowadays had to abruptly deal with a ...

AI In FinTech: Smart Algorithms Enhance Financial Processes Artificial Intelligence AI is a constantly progressing technology that is widely applied in a lot of domains and enhances them, and FinTech is not an exception. The global AI in the Fintech ...

MacBook Security Guide   If you were to compare macOS to other operating systems, Apple does a great job at fighting against potential cybersecurity threats.  MacBook users pay a premium fee, but they can boast of having a device that ...

How to use Internet of Things  in Businesses? The Internet of Things, also referred to as, incorporates billions of interconnected users worldwide. This IoT technology model has stretched further to the business industry helping small businesses locate explicit growth routes. ...

Migrate to the SAP S/4 HANA Cloud Platform   If your company is still utilizing a traditional ERP software or perhaps an SAP On-Premises software, the time has arrived when companies should transition to the SAP S/4 HANA Cloud platform. ...

Circuit Lab simulator software tool

Circuit Lab simulation software tool  Circuit Lab simulator is an in- browser schematic capture and circuit simulation software tool to help you double-quick design and dissect analog and digital electronics systems, frame and simulate circuits right in your browser. Design ...

Web Development Trends for 2022 The impact of the pandemic was severe, to the point that it achieved a significant social and cultural change. This affects the web designing and development world, which was going through a temporary stage. After ...

%G and cloud computing edge computing and impact

5G and Cloud computing With the evolution of 5G technology after the 4G will be greatly boosting the capacity of various sectors and organizations. Some business giants like Verizon and other US internet carriers have recently unveiled the 5G technology. ...

Best Predictive Analytics Tools Data touches almost every aspect of our lives in today’s technology-driven society. Data analytics is the most rapidly moving field in IT, but its importance goes beyond IT. According to Purdue University, data analytics are also ...

Guide to P2P Crypto Exchange   There are innovations, and then, there are innovations that take them to the common man. Cryptocurrency exchanges did to cryptocurrency and blockchain watch Henry Ford did to cars. Although the inventor was someone else, ...

5G in Manufacturing Industry   Fifth-generation internet is on the news these days and with the beginning of the industrial revolution in many countries, the role of this technology enhances. The industrial revolution will also liable to accelerate the automated ...

With the threat of security breaches becoming more and more relevant today, it is only pragmatic for business leaders to better equip themselves with the resources required to efficiently tackle hackers and malware attacks. In this article, you will be ...

CYBER SWACHHTA KENDRA - Botnet cleaning Swatcha

What is Cyber Swachhta Kendra? The number of penetrations of ICT resources in the country has become one of the major threats for cybersecurity and it should not be ignored at all. India internet ecosystem is one of the biggest ...

IoT framework meaning and Open source IoT frameworks

The IoT Framework Introduction Today, the Internet has become a major part of the world. It finds application in every corner of the globe. With the increasing use of the Internet, more appliances and devices are now being connected to ...

OSI model with layers

7 layers of the OSI model Introduction As a regular user of the Internet, I’m sure you have come across the term ‘HTTP.’ You may even have typed it yourself as you searched for information on the Internet. What you ...