Climate Change and IoT:
Climate change has been deemed as one of the most common and dreadful events for the humanitarian crisis which is unstoppable. Climate change and IoT.
In the last decade, there were many natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, and climate changes occurred that were very monstrous for most human life.
Besides, many droughts and polar vortexes have also seen in the United States that created danger for homes. A recent tornado crisis and wildfire outbreak of 2018 is also the biggest examples of disasters.
In the scenario when our life is full of unexpected natural crises, we should make our home outsmart, and many cities & homeowners have already started investing in it. With the huge expense on the infrastructure of the cities, they’re finding various ways to alleviate the damage after natural disasters with the help of the internet of things (IoT). IoT can also play a vital role in making your home safer and rebounding according to the specific location.
Due to the over-consumption of the good, waste is continued to piling up. Thus we are affecting our environment directly and contributing to our environment negatively through climate change.
Climate change has started affecting various parts of the world. Scientists have also predicted that the rate of global warming will be increasing with the rate of 0.4% in the next two decades.
The gloom has also been seen among people around the world but we should know that hope is not over yet. However, we can’t stop natural disasters but its impact can be minimized drastically thorough smart devices implementation in the homes as well as in smart cities.
The internet of things has already proved its potential for the various organizations but it can also be implemented in the catastrophic weather and environmental circumstances. There are many technologies and infrastructure for making such solutions available in today’s market.
In this article, we’re mentioning the top four ways by which perils of natural disasters can be reduced through the implementation of the internet of things.
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Hence, it’ll also help in combating with the climate change inspiring human to work more regarding smart technology:
Advanced agriculture:
Agriculture is one of the most common aspects of the life of the human and due to the huge demand for products, it has also been seen the degradation of natural resources and the ecosystem as well.
Besides, it’s also a major point of discussion over the years to change the methods of farming so that climate can be saved from any external influence. Soil degradation still remains a common challenge for farmers for many years due to climate change that has also affected the production of the farmers.
However, many farmers have also tried to improve their impact on agriculture production so they have followed various tactics but most of them are not so efficient that they can obstruct the production of detrimental elements dangerous to our environment.
Advanced agriculture and smart farming can help farmers in enhancing the production of crops through the internet of things, machine learning as well as advanced automation.
See also: Precision Agriculture and Internet of Things- Impact of IoT on Farming
Smart grids:
Electricity is one of the most vital parts in our today’s life which is probably the foremost thing comes under the effect of the natural disaster. Millions of people are hugely affected by power cuts due to a natural catastrophe like a hurricane, earthquakes, tsunamis and heavy rain. Most of the natural disaster takes a few months in repairing machines and other equipment which is not, as usual, to live a natural life for humans.
With the implementation of IoT, smart grids can be managed efficiently and due to these, smart grids can be used extensively with system monitoring. These technologies make humans capable of detecting the actual problems quickly preventing the typical waterfall from any external source. Smart grids are also able to bring distress assistance online during the emergency that makes the city more rebounding.
Flood sensors:
Most of the businesses and residences need the web-connected devices to lessen the perils of the flood. With the help of flood sensors, response time can be improved drastically through the wireless signals that send information to the authority in the least possible time. Leak sensors make able the supportive staff making alert before the significant damage.
For the residential purpose, the decreasing price of the flood sensors linked with the smart thermostats has enhanced the security system of our home. With the assistance of the early warning system of sensors are vital to know the property condition during the havoc. Sensors also help various authorities to create local maps providing live updates of homes through the network during the occurrence of flooding. Some countries like U. K., U. S., and China have already started implementing these tools.
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Emergency data response time:
Communication has often been noticed a common problem during the disaster like conditions that occur due to the lack of power and blocked roads. These holdups can also cause to the distress of most of the people during any disaster event.
Hence it can be said that the internet of things devices can also help governments in disaster management providing the responsible authorities real-time data.
Residential smart home devices can be easily installed and thus provides any type of data like structure breakdowns, seismic activity, as well as rising temperature. There are some ancillary elements like Alexa also available in the market that can keep you updated from the frequent weather changes and emergency information during disastrous events.
Conclusion – Climate change and IoT:
Internet of things devices can be implemented in providing real-time data to organizations during the flood, disasters, and fires occurrences.
However, the flow of data can be estimated correctly without the usage of artificial intelligence.
AI algorithms help people to convert raw data into actionable data which manages disastrous events taking into monstrous changes or conversion.
Many homeowners are making benefits with the help of the internet of things devices for flood and fire responses restricting to a worst-case situation.
With climate changes, IoT devices are also changing the world of organizations, businesses, authorities, cities, and homeowners.
Fifth-generation (5G) network will also assist the internet of things and authorities to reach the information in real-time and also will make you stay connected during the disaster management.
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