Raspberry Pi 4 Computer (Raspberry Pi 4 Model B) Raspberry Pi 4 Computer is the newest product in the Raspberry Pi family and it is categories as Model B. It is a very powerful single board computer and provides desktop ...

Microsoft Azure Tutorial for Beginners What is Azure? | Azure Basics Azure is developed by Microsoft to provide cloud computing services for building, testing, deploying and managing applications and services through Datacenters managed by Microsoft. This Azure tutorial covers complete ...

2019 Top Tech trends:  Technologies are emerging and evolving all around us with rapid pace, as technology evolves, it enables even faster change and progress, causing the acceleration of the rate of change until eventually, it will become exponential. Top ...

What is Cloud Computing ? Cloud Computing is a collection of high speed inter-connected hardware, software, storage and other infrastructure delivered over internet The service provider is responsible for provisioning,maintaining, performing patch updated and other complex activities thusenabling customer to ...

What is Open source?  The term ‘ open source ‘ refers to something people can alter and share because its design can be access by anyone. Open source refers to a program in which the source code is available to ...

IoT and Web of Things difference between iot vs wot

Introduction IoT and WoT Internet of Things is a technology which makes an aggregate of already available technologies, web of things integrate all things to web, see more details of IoT and web of things below and difference between IoT ...

difference between IoT and M2M communication - IoT vs M2M

IoT vs M2M (difference between IoT and M2M) We’ve heard a lot about the Internet of Things (IoT) and all its advantages, benefits for adopters, product developers and service providers alike, but there are some confusion among techies between IoT ...

Smart IoT Thermostat

Introduction to Thermostat A thermostat simply switches the heating system on and off as necessary senses the temperature of a system so that the system’s temperature is maintained near a desired set point. It works by sensing the air temperature, switching on the heating when ...

What is Smart Parking We know Traffic is big issue we are facing today. One of the key reasons for Traffic jam on road is an unauthorized parking. Such parking violations disturb other vehicles too and create Traffic jam (Traffic ...

What is Smart city and introductions to smart cities

Learn more about What is Smart City & Features, Requirements, Smart City Examples, Concept , Technologies used in Smart Cities of India ...

What is Zigbee? Zigbee is a low-power, low data rate, and personal area wireless ad hoc network. It is the wireless language that everyday devices use to connect to one another. ZigBee technology builds on IEEE standard 802.15.4 which defines the ...

BMP180 pressure sensor for Arduino

BMP180 Pressure Sensor BMP180 Pressure sensor is the most used pressure sensor for DIY projects, it is High Precision Digital Barometric pressure sensor for Arduino and Raspberry Pi boards used for the development of different smart IoT solutions.   BMP180 ...

Difference between IPv4 and Ipv6 IPv4 vs IPv6

Introduction to IPv4 and IPv6 You may be little bit confused about IP, IPv4 and IPv6. After reading this article you will get exact clarity on IP, IPv4 and IPv6 i.e IPv4 vs IPv6. Here we go one by one ...

Introduction of MQTT Protocol: MQTT protocol is designed as a machine-to-machine (M2M) & IoT connectivity protocol. MQTT stands for Message Queuing Telemetry Transport. This protocol is thus light-weight that it is often supported by some of the littlest measure and ...

Architectural Overview :   In previous article we went through basic of IoT Gateway – What is it? & why we need IoT gateway in IoT Solution. In this article we will discuss about Architectural overview of IoT Gateway. If ...

What is an IoT Gateway

IoT Gateway IoT solution contains Sensor, gateway, cloud, web/Mobile. Sensor: Sensors sense data from the physical world and send it for processing. Gateway: process and collect the data from sensor nodes and transmit it to the internet infrastructure Cloud/ Datacenter: ...

In a previous article related wireless IoT protocol article, we discussed classic Bluetooth vs Bluetooth low Energy (BLE). Here we will go through WiFi IoT communication protocol and its basics. WiFi – common choice of the user, developer for IoT ...

intel galileo board

Intel Galileo Board Introduction to Galileo Board Intel Galileo Board is the first board based on Intel® architecture designed to be hardware and software pin-compatible with Arduino shields designed for the Uno R3. Galileo is a microcontroller board based on ...

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Sensors module: The ultrasonic sensor distance measurement module HC-SR04 uses sonar to determine the distance to an object like bats or dolphins do. It offers excellent range accuracy and stable readings in an easy-to-use package.   ...

high accuracy temperature sensors for industry

 Temperature Sensors Temperature of a substance is a measure of Heat (hotness or coldness) inside that substance. It is the prime factor in industries like pharmaceutical, heavy plant, sugar industries, etc. Temperature decides final product behaviour in most of the ...

kaa IoT platform

Kaa IoT Platform Kaa IoT platform, the multi-purpose middleware platform which can be considered for the Internet of Things. It allows you to build complete end-to-end IoT solutions, connected applications, and smart products. This platform provides an open, featured toolkit ...

Bluetooth  and Bluetooth Low Energy Introduction For IoT Project Development, we need to decide sensor or actuators to use for edge device (Node), for Communication decisions should be made on wireless protocols (node to Gateway), Gateways hardware (Gateway connects your ...

Orange Pi PC – Single Board Computer    We know that Raspberry Pi cost $ 35  , is it costly ? Now new board with $ 15  cost comes in market, this board called Orange Pi PC . It is open ...

M2M communication

M2M – Machine to Machine Communication: To understand M2M communication, check below example If your vehicle could talk. Like I’m on time for delivery. I’m driving too fast. My engine needs a tune-up! etc What would you say? This is ...

ESP8266 wifi module for arduino and raspberry pi

What is a WiFi module ESP8266 ? A WiFi module ESP8266 is a microcontroller made by Espressif. It is loaded with features. The most important being wi-fi protocol. The best part is that they are dirt cheap and more powerful ...