Top 5 Cool Benefits of Smart Building solutions

benefits of Smart building solutions

Smart building is the best concept in contrast to conventional buildings. If facilities managers are still relying on old methods so that powerful asset management can be assured, it’s gonna be challenging for them. Benefits of Smart Buildings.

It has also been found a huge gap by the experts between the current information system and requirements for facility management professionals. With the conventional method of building solutions, we can’t find out the receiving, storing and analyzing the data to maintain the effective management of the premises in real-time.

On the other side, with the development of an intelligent management system of the building, we can ensure energy, time and money consumption greatly by automating interference able to perform easy tasks as well as complex tasks in real-time. With the help of an extensive energy management solution, we can also analyze and control any energy leak circumstances in no time.

It provides us with a warning first with the early warning system of the solution and recommends to fix in the least possible time to save the energy bill of the particular building.

IoT is playing a vital role in the construction of the smart building, where IoT can inform the system manager through the internet instantly after accumulating the data through sensors. It is one of the most developing technologies of the world which will have more than 5 billion connected devices by the end of the year 2020.

Most of the organizations and startups are embarking a policy to adopt the internet of things in the least possible time due to its great impact on the company’s who have already settled processing through IoT. These organizations have taken a great ROI in terms of security, data management, productivity, customers’ service, and others.

Moreover, experts have also predicted that the market of the global internet of things will exceed up to 1 trillion by the year 2025, where more than half of the organizations will be deploying connected devices for their efficient business operations.

It has also been seen since the past few years, the energy cost is increasing greatly and due to which various environmental concerns have also been stood out. Increasing pressure from surroundings is also a common cause to implement smart devices for various purposes that can drastically reduce the need for energy or can eliminate dependency from unsustainable energy.


Here, we’re mentioning the

Top 5 benefits of smart building solutions (Use cases)

  1. Perfect management of Energy consumption:

Energy consumption is one of the most common concerns about businesses’ community, where controlling and managing the consumption of electricity will drastically reduce the cost of power of buildings. By neutralizing the use of electricity, smart buildings can transform the building into energy-efficient buildings. With the assistance of smart and intelligent building solutions, we can also automate various solutions gathering real-time data and thus control the building as well.

See alsoEnergy Management Using the Internet of Things


  1. Sustainable and Cost-Effective:

The smart building has been found efficient in various aspects and here building can automate the process of fixing multiple issues detecting through sensors resolving in a short time. It can control the whole infrastructure of the building, security systems, ventilation & heating, lighting, air conditioning system and much more. With the help of IoT devices in smart building solutions, we can make it efficient, sustainable and cost-friendly.

See alsoIoT Examples-Top 7 examples of the Internet of Things applications in daily life


  1. Parking Management:

Parking management matters a lot for large premises and these are also the major resource of revenues in the building.

A smart building can be a perfect solution in this task of the malls and other commercial organizations and required parking facilities in the building (smart) will make them able to save energy consumption substantially by controlling the intensity of lights purely depended on the number of vehicles arriving at the parking area with the help of internet of things integration.

It also enhances the security norms of the customers and the effective management method of the smarts building also magnifies reliability and time span of bulbs as well.

With the help of smart bulb technology, customers will easily detect the particular parking slot allotted for their vehicles automatically and thus toll fee collection can also be managed efficiently through it.

Integration of the IoT ecosystem, we can sustain the tracking time of arrival as well as departure time of the vehicle to detect the parking slot availability for others, While other ancillary tool ios the navigation based mobile apps, which can help us in finding the easiest path to find the particular slot of parking that saves our time and toxic pollutants to associate in the air.

See alsoSmart Parking Technology in existing parking lots | IoT Parking


  1. Smart bulbs:

Smart bulbs are also vital components of the development process in smart buildings. In large organizations or buildings, it becomes very difficult to control all bulbs at a time and you can imagine the effort put through manual processes. Manual processes will be required to check every switch of the building to off/ on them and think to perform this task of over 1000 bulbs at a time.

Smart bulbs can help this organization or a large building in solving this problem through automating processes via the internet of things that also improve the performance, quality, and efficiency of working of the organizations or system managers in the least possible time.

With the help of sensors integrated through the internet of things will send the data to managers to know the status of the bulbs whether these are in use or not. After leaving the room by the tenant, facility managers will also be able to detect the position of the bulb switch on/off to save the energy and thus reducing the cost of the power of the building.

See alsoTop 10 Benefits of IoT- More than just Saving Money


  1. Management of large data: Key benefits of Smart buildings

Data is an important asset of organizations or companies or buildings which need to be detected by them in real-time. After implementing a name smart in technology, we can leave behind the internet of things (IoT) which is an integral part of the smart building to detect, accumulate, send and execute real-time data through fast internet connections.

IoT helps companies to manage a large amount of data that keep assist them in managing and maintaining the vital assets and equipment of the building by sharing information to facility managers instantly after detecting. Besides, in case of any lag on any part of the connected system, it detects in real-time and sends information to engineers to repair in the least possible time.

See alsoIoT enabled Smart Building Technologies



Smart buildings are the new concept in the real estate sector, where organizations are investing huge.

Many smart cities have already started the implementation of smart devices in the building.

Smart buildings are not only the collection of smart appliances like smart bulbs, smart refrigerators, smart washing machines, smart microwave ovens, smart locks but IoT devices are also connected to this smart system with the IoT sensors to detect and send information to building managers in realtime.

Smart buildings have also proved their importance in energy savings as well as in managing the buildings effectively.

Here, we would like to suggest real estate businesses to implement smart technology during the construction of the building that will also be great in various budget aspects but also be helpful in saving our environment without any pollutant emission.


See also: Smart Meters: New way of measuring the consumption



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