What Is Amazon Alexa and How it is used by an organization?
Alexa is an intelligent personal cloud-based assistant developed by Amazon Lab126, made popular by the Amazon Echo. Its capability or skills, that enable customers to interact with devices in a more intuitive way using voice functions like, music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audio books, and providing weather, traffic, and other real-time information makes it a heck of a device.
Apart from these default capabilities it can also be trained according to users need with a small basic setup.
As Alexa’s popularity is growing day by day, by the end users, every organization who are manufacturing or producing any device or solution related to smart home wants Amazon Alexa Brain in it. So that their products or solution will achieve their maximum business goal with improvised reduced time.
Amazon Alexa skill set for Smart IoT Ecosystem:
Alexa is Amazon’s voice service and the brain behind millions of devices including Amazon Echo. One of Alexa Skill Kit’s main attraction is the personalized experience a customer gets. Alexa now has more than 10,000 skills from different developers and designers and even companies like Uber, Starbucks.
Alexa skill kit or in short know as ASK is a collection of self-service APIs, tools, documentation, and code samples that make it fast and easy for developers to add skills to Alexa, this kit provides a custom hold on Alexa’s skill. These skills can handle just about any type of request. With ASK, one can leverage Amazon’s knowledge and pioneering work in the field of voice design.
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Steps to integrate Amazon Alexa with IoT ecosystem:
Use Amazon Echo through which user can send voice command to Alexa.
Create skills set using Alexa SDK for the users. Like switch on the music, turn on the thermostats, lights, etc.
Alexa API communicates with AWS Lambda, where it processes the voice command and defines the action. The Lambda function communicates the desired action to the device cloud.
The device’s cloud, decodes a command, for example, turning on or off and then indicates that particular device to perform the necessary action.
A message is sent back to the Skills API whether it was successful or not. Alexa uses this response to provide feedback to the user.
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Amazon Alexa as Game Changer in Businesses:
The user can use the Echo to organize their calendar. Ask Alexa to set up meetings and events and for reminding them.
Office automation: set up offices with switches to let Alexa turn on and off television Sets, lights, and more. This is great to set up presentations or even make it easier to control the office space.
Emailing is one of the most used forms of communication in the workplace. Have Alexa take control of reading emails or even have sent out emails.
One of the best things about having an assistant is to have her remind to complete tasks. These are the small things one needs to remember that can’t exactly be entered on the calendar. Have Alexa help to set up the to-do list.
Social media has become super important for promoting businesses. If offices haven’t already started generating leads from Facebook, Instagram or Twitter then Alexa can do it. Have Alexa post for the businesses and get the word out there.
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Featured Image Credit : tagechos/Pixabay
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