What is Zigbee?
Zigbee is a low-power, low data rate, and personal area wireless ad hoc network. It is the wireless language that everyday devices use to connect to one another.
ZigBee technology builds on IEEE standard 802.15.4 which defines the physical and MAC layers and used to create personal area networks.
This technology is developed by Zigbee alliance. Its physical range is 10 m to 20 m approximately.
It is a wireless networking standard and its main focus at remote applications such as sensor and control applications which is suitable for operation in harsh radio environments and in isolated locations.
This Technology is simpler and less expensive compare to Wireless Personal Area Network such as WiFi and Bluetooth.
It is specifically used for low-power low-bandwidth needs, designed for small scale projects which need wireless connection.
1. Improves Comfort
It works for you. Testing your temperature, controlling your lights, even opening your drapes; keeping your home the way you like it.
2. Keeps You Secure
It watches your home when you can’t, alerting you to intruders, smoke, carbon monoxide, even water leaks. Protecting the things -and people- you care about.
3. Convenient
It is easy-to-use and extends your control. Control your home from the comfort of your couch or from the other side of the world.
See also: What are the Internet of Things Protocols and Standards?
Why to choose Zigbee?
1. Reliable
Zigbee harnesses the power of the mesh to connect every product to every other product. So if one of your products fails, the others will continue to communicate without interruption.
2. Interoperable
It standardizes everything from basic communication to how a product operates. Products with the Zigbee logo work together seamlessly, even if they’re from different companies.
3. Low-Power
It allows devices to last for years on a single battery. With the Green Power Feature, you don’t even need any batteries!
See also: Why We Need Protocols for Communication?
Applications of Zigbee in IoT
Main applications aimed at control and monitoring such as
- Home automation
- Connected lighting
- Medical device data collection
- electrical meters
- wireless light switches with in-home-displays
- traffic management systems
- consumer and industrial equipment that require short-range low-rate wireless data transfer
video credit: Connectivity Standard Alliance
See also: Computer Networking for beginners | Let Start Now
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ZIgbee – Wikipedia
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