What is Indoor Positioning System (IPS)? An Indoor positioning system shortly known as IPS is a form of purpose that can locate the people or articles in the building. The global positioning system (GPS) has not any provision to know ...
Real Estate IoT Apps – What Are They? The days of infrastructure through brick-and-mortar in real estate sectors are over. Now with the implementation of the latest technologies, the real estate sector is evolving much better speed than the past and ...
In today’s world, the lifestyle is not as active as it was before. People are usually chained to their computers all day long in their 10 to 5 job. One hardly gets time to get up and simply roam about ...
Smart building is the best concept in contrast to conventional buildings. If facilities managers are still relying on old methods so that powerful asset management can be assured, it’s gonna be challenging for them. Benefits of Smart Buildings. It has ...
What is Smart building? We are living in an era of technology, where everyone wants to move with the pace of age. And we have also reached on the process that is needed in the construction of the building. Hence ...
IoT in Financial Service Industry: In the days of technology, the internet of things is like a gem for many industries that have seen tremendous changes for their vast organizations. IoT in Financial Service Industry. Internet of things is a ...
Smart Hospitals: Hospitals and physicians are keys to human life that helps them in the day-to-day care of the human. These are vital ranges from chronic conditions to emergency conditions of the patients. With the advancement of technologies, the process ...
What is AgTech? Introduction: AgTech represents the applications of technology specially Smart connected technology includes hardware and software in the field of agriculture. A concept of the agriculture industry is simple to make to grasp all the opportunities instantly through ...
What is Internet Safety? Internet safety has come after a study that for online sexual solicitation, teens are most affected than children that happen between the age group of 14 to 17 years. Here, the teens are also to talk ...
What is Cyberbullying?: Cyberbullying occurs after the wrong usage of the cell phone, email, instant messaging, social networking messaging for example in Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. Mostly, social networking sites are being used for the intimidation or frightening someone. ...
Understanding IoT Waste Management The world population is increasing continuously and it is very difficult to manage and tackle problems of each person in no time. IoT in waste management helps to solve waste management problem occur due to population. ...
In the previous article, we discussed and understand about what is Smart Supply chain? and Its importance for Organizations growth. working of Smart supply chain. Here we are going to discuss the working of Smart supply chain. Working of ...
Role of IoT in Education Market See also: What is IoT Technology? – Explanation of Internet of Things with Examples . Benefits of IoT in education industry Here, we’re going to tell the benefits of IoT in ...
Introduction: Searching and uploading the data has always been a meticulous act. The changing flow of information amid the organization and its targeted customer is the sole responsible entity for driving the gears of a successful business. VPS Hosting. in ...
Introduction: By the end of 2020, it has been assumed that more than half of the business will start relying on the major technological processes of the company and the internet of things will be playing a significant role in ...
Turn your home into a Smart Home: Once upon a time, the concept of a smart home was nothing more than a pipe dream and something found in science-fiction movies and fantasy novels. However, with the recent advancements in automation ...
Customer Waiting Time Issue Modern customers are too restless. Do you think they are patient enough to stand in the long waiting queue for several hours? Waiting time issues. Not at all. They just want each and everything at the ...
Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin Buying Guide Cryptocurrency has become increasingly popular globally, and more people are beginning to embrace it by purchasing bitcoin using their credit or debit cards. In the early days, buying bitcoin with your credit or debit card ...
Wireless Sensors and Healthcare: The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming many aspects of our world forever. Wireless sensors and Healthcare. With wireless sensor technology, organizations can connect thousands of low-power devices over long-range networks and create new cost-saving efficiencies. ...
‘Soaring too close to the sun’ might have reminded you of Icarus from Greek mythology. Icarus was the son of Daedalus, a skilled craftsman who had created a labyrinth for King Minos of Crete Island. Best Cloud Server. The king, ...
Maintenance Task Analysis Training: Maintenance task analysis, (MTA) training will teach you to identify and document all logistics related to preventive maintenance also corrective maintenance of equipment and material resources. Maintenance Task Analysis (MTA) consists of identifying steps, parts, materials, ...
IoT Applications in Food and Beverage Industry In the past few years, hardware and software platforms have been increased drastically that connects all the physical objects to the internet. IoT Applications in Food and Beverage Industry. Internet of things ...
5G and IoT Connectivity: 5G in IoT Fifth Generation (5G) is one of the hottest technology topics in the year 2019 for a wireless network. Most of the companies are eagerly waiting for this technology that is going to ...
Impact of Cloud Computing: There are two types of registering situations: Impact of Cloud computing On-premises registering is the conventional type of figuring wherein you or your organization possess and deal with your very own systems. Every one of the ...
What is Smart Logistics? Smart logistics are the combination of intelligent technology that makes the logistic system as per human thinking. Thus these are greatly capable of solving the logistics problems with their accurate assumptions abilities. It is necessary ...