Difference TCP and UDP tcp vs udp

In the networking field, you commonly heard about IP, TCP and UDP. These are popular protocols, that play a vital role in Internet communication. Here we are discussing a brief about  Internet Protocol, What are the TCP and UDP protocols ...

Computer Networking for beginners: Introduction In the modern world, computer networking forms part of every company, industry, office, hospital, and almost every other sector. In other words, computer networks have been set up almost everywhere. Since computer networking forms a ...

What is Cyberwarfare? Cyberwarfare is the dispute started due to the political influence on the computer of an enemy, where the information system may also be hacked. These attacks drastically impact the business and organizations after stealing the data to ...

What is Preventive Healthcare? Preventive healthcare is the way to take measures against various diseases that have multiple linked risk factors. It has become mandatory to apply throughout the life of anyone with various diseases spectrum that will make able ...

Introduction: Blockchain and Certificate Transparency Blockchain technology is revolutionizing most of the industries, such as financial services, banking, and real estate, among others. This modern-day cryptography is powerful enough to expose malicious websites that rely on fake SSL certificates. certificate ...

What are smart sensors

What are Smart Sensors? Sensors moving to generate an electrical output during the combination with the interfacing electronic circuits are known as the smart sensors with the combination of both sensor and actuator. Smart sensor can also be assumed as ...

Connected Vehicle and Connected Parking There is a wide array of applications along with the technologies and services. You can join the vehicle to other vehicles through the vehicle to vehicle to contact infrastructure (V2V). Besides, these vehicles can also ...

Chandrayaan 2: India Moon Mission Chandrayaan 2 is an Indian lunar mission launched on Jul 22, 2019, by Indian Space Research Organization for the south pole (where the sun rays don’t arrive). This mission was launched aiming to explore the ...

What is Industrial Augmented Reality? Augmented reality is known as one of the most popular technologies categories which is also deemed as the futuristic technology. Industrial Augmented Reality applications. It’s also important to know that this is not the latest ...

Applications of Virtual Reality (uses for VR) Virtual reality (VR) has been one of the hottest topics since last few years. It has also grabbed dominated tech headline due to the safe and virtual attributes in the world. Gaming is ...

Real world Applications of Augmented Reality: Augmented Reality (AR) is a combination of real and computer-based scenes and images to enhance the picture of the world through the scenic medium. Interactive and reality-based layout conditions are capable of generating the ...

What is the Global Positioning System? Global Positioning System which is mostly known for its abbreviated name; GPS, is a satellite-based radio navigation system. GPS is one of the most implemented tools by men these days and enables seafarer that ...

What is Computer vision and its Meaning As we all know that our eyes and brains are being used for the interpretation of the visual surroundings and it’s quite natural. However, it is also important to know that the computer ...

What is Cyber terrorism? In the cyber terrorism, computer, public internet, and networks will be used for the damage intentionally for the accomplishing the personal objectives in a negative manner. Sometimes, cyber terrorism is also implemented for the political and ...

What is 3D Printing: 3D printing (additive manufacturing) is the process by which the 3D printer creates a three-dimensional picture of objects through the deposition of the materials by layer according to the digital model. There are many people who ...

Cyber attacks: Cyber attacks is an intrusion on the computer network or system for the extraction of the various malicious intentions and thus they obtain the most important and secret information of the companies in a gullible way. Such types ...

What is a Sensor? The sensor is known as the device used for the detection of the electrical or physical measures as an answer to changing the volume. Typically, the sensor output comes in the form of the electrical or ...

Data security to get smart with AI: How fairly do you remember the first time “artificial intelligence” was used? The concept of AI has always been with us since 1956 – it was coined for a project titled “Dartmouth Summer ...

IoT in Manufacturing Increasing manufacturing demand is becoming a common concern among most of the enterprises. It has also been seen in the past years that manufacturers have been based on experienced workers. Internet of things in Manufacturing. Nearly all ...

Smart school and Smart classroom and IoT: School days for people are one of the most important time-period of their lives that they talk most. These days give us everlasting memories to anyone’s survival. Smart School and Smart Classroom During ...

IoT in Field Service Management: The importance of the internet of things has been increased now that most of the organizations want to implement it for efficient operation. IoT in field service management. IoT is known as a vast network ...

Climate Change and IoT: Climate change has been deemed as one of the most common and dreadful events for the humanitarian crisis which is unstoppable. Climate change and IoT. In the last decade, there were many natural disasters like earthquakes, ...

Amazon IoT Amazon’s almost always on the headlines when it comes to technological innovations and implementations of the same. Amazon and IoT Technology. It’s the same now, and this time, Amazon is using the Internet of Things technology to serve ...

Livestock Monitoring using IoT

Livestock Monitoring using IoT  Nowadays, most of companies are seeking to adopt automated monitoring systems for efficient operations. Automated systems are drastically helpful in making more lenient methods for the classification and monitoring of objects in companies. Below are the ...

Facility Management

IoT applications in Facility Management New opportunities have continuously been discovering for home integration which will help in the evolution of a brand new concept of construction of building for the companies. Facility Management. The Internet of things is playing ...