Weather Station Project: A Weather station using NodeMCU and DHT11 able to collects data related to the environment and weather using many different sensors. Using the home weather station, we can measure Temperature Humidity Rain gases percentage in air UV ...
Introduction: Approaching the IoT world, one can be wondered on how many protocols we can use to communicate IoT devices. There are many protocols such as AMQP, CoAP, MQTT and the omnipresence HTTP. Trying to stay in the practical world, ...
What is an API? API stands for Application Programming Interface. According to Wikipedia, the definition of API or Application Programming Interface is as follows: “In computer programming, an Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of subroutine definitions, protocols, and ...
BeagleBone Black tutorial BeagleBone Black is a low-cost, community-supported development platform for developers and hobbyists. The Beagle bone Black board is the newest member of the BeagleBoard family. Boot Linux in under 10 seconds and get started on development in ...
LPWAN Technology Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN technology) is one of the new concepts that came into limelight in the year 2013. Most of the IoT devices equipped in the smart cities don’t have any requirement of constant speed ...
Already opened one? Planning to open your own IoT startup? IoT or internet of things is the inter-networking of multiple devices with each other and its ability to collect & exchange data. It connects the physical world with the digital ...
IoT in Food Industry Food industry is a complex, global collection of diverse business that supply most of the food consumed by the world population. The food industry include agriculture, manufacturing of food using food processing, marketing, wholesale & retail ...
Ready-to-use full-stack IoT solution: Don’t worry about the Tech Getting Started your IoT Product development with SensiEDGE BLE & CloudThing middleware: SensiEDGE’s “IoT Hardware Ready” and CloudThing Internet of Things cloud middleware form a powerful package which provides a ...
Bolt IoT Cloud Platform -Bolt 2: Inventrom Pvt. Ltd. launched the 2nd Version of the Bolt IoT Platform on 18th February 2017 at Thought Factory, Bangalore. Bolt is an IoT platform that helps enterprise and makers to connect their devices ...
5 Steps Connect SensiBLE Module IBM Watson IoT platform In my previous article, I discussed the SensiBLE IoT module, its detailed feature and how will it help you to build IoT products for Product developers. Connect Module to IBM ...
Healthcare Internet of Things Internet has been playing an important role in the world of HEALTHCARE INNOVATION. Use of the internet was started a long ago, but nowadays this has been a most basic need to human beings. Earlier FOOD, ...
LoRa Module (Development Kit) Ethicstech Embedded Solutions Pvt Ltd launches India’s first, low cost LoRa Development kit with ready to use SDK. It provides Arduino support, so that you can able to play with it and develop your prototype rapidly. ...
It’s a dream off every entrepreneur “Just develop the App”, and get the market as soon as the code is ready. But what happens when hardware IoT components like sensors and connectivity included in the Project? Imagine the world of ...
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Cybercrime is done by using Computer networks & Devices, including FRAUD &IDENTITY THEFT. These are examples of both “Computer as TARGET” & “Computer as TOOL”. New TECHNOLOGIES, new INNOVATIONS & these new INNOVATIONS give birth ...
Getting Started with Arduino Install the Arduino IDE Click on one of the four links below to get step-by-step instructions to set up the Arduino Software (IDE) on your computer, according to its operating system. Windows Mac OS X Linux Portable ...
What is Internet of Everything(IoE)?: Internet of Everything (IoE) is the concept of bringing people, process, data and things together. In Internet of Everything(IoE), these four i.e People, process, data and things are connected together with network. IoE is some ...
Internet of Things Scanner This IoT Scanner shows if Your Device is Vulnerable to be used in Denial-of-Service attack (DoS attack). A DoS attack is a one type of cyber attack and it is analogous to a group of people ...
IoMT – Internet of Medical Things Better patient care and healthcare service made easier for the healthcare professionals, with IoMT or Internet of Medical Things, the healthcare sector is stepping into an new era. Smart devices have already entered ...
What is IoT and its meaning Introduction to IoT A while ago, the Internet revolved around computers and smartphones. These were the only things that could be connected to the Internet. With the recent development of the Internet, however, the ...